As a way of bringing closure to our good times at Cape Cod, each of us (with some adult supervision, when needed) created a post to provide some insight on some of our favorite things about our 10 days at the Cape. This is Caleb's post.

At Cape Cod we went to the beach a lot.  It was really fun.  We went in the water and had a water gun fight.  We got on our body boards and rode waves.  It was really cool.  One day we were building a foot pool and we met some kids named Josh and Claire.  They live in Ohio!

We went to One Stop to get donuts and we also went to Wolfies.  And of course we went to a lot of ice cream places like Lil' Caboose, Krista K's, Wolfies, and I think that's it.  

At the beach, there were a lot of rocks and I would climb them and then sit up there.  It's really cool because the rocks are hot so it warms you up.  It also dries you.  I liked it.
We went on a bike trail and I got to use my new neon green Trek bike.  We went I'd say about a mile maybe and we went past a lake (it was a freshwater lake).  A few days later, we biked back to the lake and played in it.  The water was really clear and it tasted good.  I found a clam at the lake.  We opened it and apparently it was still alive - I think we killed it.  :(
I got a new skimboard at Outer Banks and I went skimboarding for the first time with my new board.  I could skimboard pretty often, but only at high tide.  It's really fun, but you gotta get used to it.  The first year I got my first skimboard, I kept on falling off.  If the beach isn't level, it's hard to keep your balance.  I'm working on doing a 360 (it's when you put your hand down so it barely touches the water and it makes you spin 360 degrees).
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Grand Slam.  Grand Slam is like a bumper boat, batting cage, and arcade combination.  It's really fun.  The bumper boats are cool because not only are you in water (it's basically bumper cars), but you can squirt water too.  I totally soaked Dad at bumper boats.

 I did the batting cage where it went 35 miles per hour.  Dad did a really fast batting cage and did really good.  We never really do the arcade, but Grand Slam has a radar cage and we did that.  I topped out at 32 miles per hour.  (Dad originally typed 332 miles per hour.  I wish it really was that fast.  Nobody would be able to hit off of me if I threw that fast. And my pitches would be faster than Nolan Ryan and Stephen Strasburg.)

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