As a way of bringing closure to our good times at Cape Cod, each of us (with some adult supervision, when needed) created a post to provide some insight on some of our favorite things about our 10 days at the Cape. This is Sarah's post.

We go to the beach a lot.  One day we made a foot pool.  A kid asked us if he could help.   We said sure and the kid's name was Josh.  And then his sister asked us and we said sure and her name was Claire.
Then we played with the splat ball with Josh and Claire and we had a lots of fun with them.  Later on that day we found out that we lived really close to each other.

On our last day, we played badminton with them.  They had a net that they bringed so that we could all play.  We bringed our badminton thingees (Editor's note: thingees translates to racquets).  And we played with them.  They bringed their racquets too.  They bringed four of them.  We only brought two (Editor's note:  I too am unsure what to make of Sarah's consistent use of "bringed" and then suddenly switching to "brought" in the last sentence).

And in the morning we left from Cape Cod.  We were really sad because we like Cape Cod with a lot.  We liked the beach.  We liked everything there.  But now we can email Josh and Claire, so we can Skype with them and we'll see each other again soon.

Editor's note:  After drafting her Cape Cod reflections, Sarah reviewed our photos and provided commentary on the ones she wanted to include in the blog.  In hindsight, I should have thought to ask Sarah to pick a few photos.  I'm pretty sure if she had her way, she would have posted all the photos to this blog with a quick blurb to explain the photo's significance.  Instead, you'll need to settle for Sarah's insight on 11 of the photos we took at the Cape.
In this one, I'm holding an Italian ice and it's cherry italian ice and we biked there.
I was reading a book and it was raining that day, so we didn't stay that long at the beach that day.
In this one, I'm underwater and I'm doing a thumbs up but you can't really see it. This was at the lake at the bike trail.
In this one, my Pepere is holding the board and I'm surfing.
In this one, I'm sitting on the rocks at the beach and I was eating peanut butter crackers.
In this one, I'm having a cinnamon roll. But some people call it a coffee roll because it's good with coffee. Which I don't really get, but ok.
In this one, me and Caleb and our friends Josh and Claire were making this foot pool. But they left before we took the picture.
In this one, I was next to the board and as you can see, there were two strikes, three balls, and two outs.
In this one, that was my bumper boat that I was going to use. In a bumper boat, you can spray people and you can drive yourself around.
In this one, I was pitching and I pitched 20 miles per hour.
In this one, it was an air chair. I wanted to get it, but Mom and Dad said no. Actually, Dad said no.
(Editor's note:  Before providing the comment for this last picture, Sarah mentioned "People are going to laugh when they hear this one."  And then when she finished, she said "They are going to laugh at the last part about Dad saying no.")

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