After hearing Caleb's poetry recital, Sarah decided she wanted to show off her artistic talents by writing a story.  Given that Sarah learned to read this past school year and is just starting to write out sentences, we didn't know what to expect.  But since we still had a few more hours before arriving in Cape Cod, we were certainly willing to find out.

To be honest, the only thing that will do Sarah's story justice is a video of her doing a reading of her story, "Dog Cat Cow."  Luckily, I had a feeling this was going to be good, so I videotaped it.  

But before you watch the video, let me mention a few things:

1.  I too have never heard of a dog cat cow.

2.  I too am not sure why the title of the story is 'dog cat cow' but the subject of the story was a 'cat cow dog'.

(SPOILER ALERT - The third item provides some insight on the plot of "Dog Cat Cow.")
3.  I too was relieved to hear that the cat cow dog got some food.

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