On the way back from his first All-Stars practice on Sunday afternoon, Caleb mentioned that summer vacation had not begun even though Friday was the last day of school.  His rationale was that he's always off from school on Saturdays and Sundays, so summer vacation doesn't officially begin until he is not at school during a day on which he normally attends school.

So following Caleb's logic, Monday, June 17th was the first day of summer vacation for Caleb and Sarah.  To me, things around the house have a different, more relaxed feel when the kids are in "summer vacation mode."  To give you an idea of what I mean, this blog post provides a few examples of the conversations and happenings that took place on the first day of 2013 summer vacation.

While teleworking on Monday, I overheard the following conversation between Caleb and Sarah as they entered the kitchen for Breakfast.

Caleb (while reading the paper):  Yes, the spurs won last night!
Sarah (with a nonchalant tone):  So how did LeBron James do?
(Editor's note:  The thing that cracks me up about this innocent banter was 7-year-old Sarah's immediate comprehension of who the Spurs were playing, the identification of  the star player on that team, and the curiosity of how that star player performed.  It was like listening to a few elderly guys sitting around talking sports.)

Also overheard while teleworking:

Sarah:  Mom, I have a question for you.  A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days, and leaves on Friday.  How is this possible?
Mom:  Friday is his horse.
Sarah:  How did you know?
Mom:  You've told me that joke a few times already.
(Editor's note:  I'll listen to a well-told joke by one of my kids over and over if given the chance.  This "Friday" joke is one example.  You can also put the "pirate walks into a restaurant" joke into that same category.)

Example #3:
During the penultimate episode of "The Voice (Season 4)," the contestants did an ensemble cover of Poison's "Every Rose has its Thorns."  Midway through the first verse, Sarah sprinted out of the room.  About twenty seconds later, she returned with a guitar over her shoulder and played lead guitar for the rest of the song.  When the song ended, she slid the guitar around so that the strap ran across her chest and the guitar was positioned on her back -- just like the guitarists on "The Voice."

Example #4:
After All-Stars practice, Caleb and I stopped by Chipotle for dinner.  Given the fact that he suddenly has an appetite that rivals my own, Caleb ordered a burrito.  About a quarter of the way through the burrito, Caleb paused mid-bite and said to me:  

Man, this is so good.  They really should charge more for this!  Deeeee-licious!  

And then he simply went back to eating as if what he said was a typical dinnertime comment for a ten-year old.

Example #5:

Q.  What do you get when you mix a damp washcloth, some temporary tattoos, a girl named Sarah, and a parent who is slightly preoccupied with getting dinner ready?
A.  See below.

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